Flag Values

Orders and Offers can use Flags to indicate different functionalities. Here we list the details of the possible flags values that can be seen or used depending on the interaction.


Multiple Flags

You may sum flag values to pass multiple flags. For example, passing 4160 (64 + 4096) means hidden post only.
Default value is 0.

Order Flags

LIMITint0A limit order is one of the most basic order types. It allows the trader to specify a price and amount they would like to buy or sell.

Example: If the current market price is 250 and I want to buy lower than that at 249, then I would place a limit buy order at 249. If the market reaches 249 and a sellerโ€™s ask matches with my bid, my limit order will be executed at 249.
MARKETint1A market order is an order type that executes immediately against the best price available. As long as there are willing sellers and buyers, market orders are filled. A market sell will match the best available bids on the order book, and a market buy will match against the best available asks on the order book.

Market orders are often used when rapid execution is prioritized over the price at which the order executes. When placing this order, the trader prefers the trade to happen immediately at the current best price available.
POSTONLYint4096The post-only limit order option ensures the limit order will be added to the order book and not match with a pre-existing order.