Message Types
Below you can find all the message types that the API will send
Term | Definition |
bu | balance update |
ps | position snapshot |
pn | new position |
pu | position update |
pc | position close |
ws | wallet snapshot |
wu | wallet update |
os | order snapshot |
on | new order |
on-req | new order request |
ou | order update |
oc | order cancel |
oc-req | order cancel request |
oc_multi-req | multiple orders cancel request |
te | trade executed |
tu | trade execution update |
fte | funding trade execution |
ftu | funding trade update |
hos | historical order snapshot |
mis | margin information snapshot |
miu | margin information update |
n | notification |
fos | funding offer snapshot |
fon | funding offer new |
fou | funding offer update |
foc | funding offer cancel |
hfos | historical funding offer snapshot |
fcs | funding credits snapshot |
fcn | funding credits new |
fcu | funding credits update |
fcc | funding credits close |
hfcs | historical funding credits snapshot |
fls | funding loan snapshot |
fln | funding loan new |
flu | funding loan update |
flc | funding loan close |
hfls | historical funding loan snapshot |
hfts | historical funding trade snapshot |
uac | user custom price alert |
Updated about 4 years ago